I'm a teacher

...and I am interested how technology and school can work well together

Workshopy pro žáky na ZŠ

We regularly visit schools and talk to children about their use and attitudes toward digital devices. What risks and opportunities are there, and how you set healthy rules. The brain is steadily growing during childhood and adolescence, and research confirms that the developing brain is at risk of potential negative effects. Více na naší iniciativě Digitální zdraví dětí. 








Vyberte si z nabídky, nebo si nechte sestavit workshop na přání

Tematické oblasti, kterým se věnujeme:

Digital addictions

Seminars for elementary school students about the healthy use of technology, FOMO, multitasking etc. (modul pro I. i II. st. ZŠ i SŠ)

The interactive program aims to provide pupils with the basic knowledge about risks of using digital technologies, both in terms of mental as well the physical health. Through group activities and videos, children for example learn why the world of the internet and computer games is so attractive, to them, how to set healthier habits in the online world, or how to help a friend if he or she became addicted to the online world. Let us delve into the question, "how does the ¨internet¨ actually do it to make us think of it every five minutes?" We also touch the topic of inattention and frequent interference and its impact on the human brain.

The program is adapted to the age of pupils. 7th to 9th graders have different activities and in terms of information they are offered more comprehensive content. The length of the program depends on the topics offered - usually it is 2 hours and then one week of online communication with pupils, which will deepen and consolidate the acquired knowledge. It is also possible to dedicate less time or even the whole project day.

Umíme vytvořit obsah programu na zakázku, neváhejte se na nás obrátit.

Videogames, social sites and pornography

Seminars for elementary school students about the virtual world and its risks ​(modul pro I. i II. st. ZŠ i SŠ)

The interactive program focuses on less significant problems associated with the virtual world and often with the “constant” presence of children in it. Together with children we discuss the topics of excessive online communication at the expense of real communication, its risks, such as decreased empathy, inability to get bored, disruption of real relationships, etc. We focus on the most widely used media in adolescents - video games and social networks. We also discuss topics related to pornography consumption.

Délka programu je odvislá od nabízených témat – zpravidla jsou to 2 hodiny a následně týdenní online komunikace s žáky, která prohloubí a upevní získané znalosti. Je také možné věnovat tématu méně, nebo až celý projektový den. Umíme vytvořit obsah programu na zakázku, neváhejte se na nás obrátit. Naším společným cílem je, aby děti nebyly jen pasivními konzumenty obsahu, ale aktivními uživateli, kteří vědomě rozhodují o tom, k čemu virtuální svět a vše co nabízí, použijí.



Or take part in the seminar for teachers and gain the knowledge to teach about such themes:

Why is the virtual world so appealing to children?

What effects on concentration, memory or communication can the frequent use of online technologies have on our children? How to set healthy rules at a primary school?

These are all the questions we have the answers to, or many materials for you to make your own well-founded answers.
Within the one-day seminar, teachers will receive lot of data and detailed methodological materials on how to lead lessons and activities in these topics for children and teens.

Ask for a seminar or education for teachers through our form or contact us on email or phone.